Okay life should not be this busy! Sometimes I feel like I have a hundred things to do and don't feel like I get any of them done!! But I received and email from a friend the other day that may help me to understand my problem. I think I have C.A.A.D.D. - Child Activated Attention Deficit Disorder apparently it manifest itself something like this:
You decided to do the laundry, but on your way to the laundry room you notice Cheerios on the floor that need to be swept up so you go get he broom, on your way to get he broom you notice your car keys are on the floor so you think I better put these away you head to your purse and realize..... I know all Mom's get the idea! LOL
Well I have a severe case of C.A.A.D.D.
This is just about how Friday went for me to the max. I spent several hours trying to update my blog which did not go well. A minimum of 6 times I tried to change my background and got completely kicked of the Internet. I gave up!!
Thought I had better get some laundry done,but before I could get a load in, it was time for Brooke to go to dance, laundry had to wait, got back -maybe I'll try my blog again. I feel bad, get kicked off twice more, I give up again!!!
Time to pickup boys from a party, better shower first since it is late afternoon, get the boys, better run to the store.Try the blog one more time, No luck!! No Laundry done, and it's time to get dinner ready!!
I think I'm a classic case, what did I accomplish all day? My anecdote this weekend, finish a good book Sunday and try again later. It kinda worked today, but I still had some trouble I lost my blog list and got kicked off only once. I tried to remember everyone's blog address but there are a few of you I could not remember if you see you are missing could you please leave a comment and your address. It will be great to hear from you!
Parents & Puzzles, Temples & Tolmans
1 year ago
I'm always glad to know I'm not alone in the "Honey, what have you been doing today?" department. Half the time when Jason comes home it looks like not much was accomplished, but I feel like I've been running a marathon. I hate it when I get distracted. I can never stay in one room, cause something always needs to be done somewhere else. It's like getting everything done at 10%. Fruussstrating! I feel your pain.
So funny! Most days are like that for me too - drives me crazy!!
For the record, I love your background. Oh, and if you find a cure for C.A.A.D.D (short of getting rid of the kids, of course) let me know!!
Hi Chris! I love your new green and black background! I'm so glad you wrote about your C.A.A.D.D, I think I also suffer from that. It's amazing how much we do during the day, whether you stay at home full time or work outside the home, mom's have a tough, full-time job but it's so worth all the rewards! :)
This makes me laugh so hard, but I could have never put it so perfectly! Thus, my blog is a thing of last priority! You're way funny, though! AND, your kitchen looks gorgeous!!!!!! I love it!
Hey, my blogs are jakeandbritney.blogspot.com and johnsenjourney.blogspot.com Sorry live has been crazy. I definitely want to see more pictures of your house.
I am glad there is a name for it. I just thought I was crazy that I couldn't focus one one thing at a time. Now that I know there are a lot of cool people out there with my same problem, I feel cool too. We hope we can see you guys this summer. We will try to work it out. Take care!
Totally me!! It makes for a very exhausting day, but I'm sometimes not quite sure what was actually accomplished.Run here,then there,do here,do this,do that.It's good to know we're all in this together! Miss you guys tons!love ya, Angie
Hi Chris! Thought I'd stop by and say hi.
That is so true!! The C.A.A.D.D. I love it. I know I'm right there with you. Its nice to know so many of us are the same.
Your post kindof reminded me of "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie". You make me laugh, but I can relate. I'd like to tell you that it gets better but, well I'll just leave it at that!
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