So I promised I would post pics of the house. Here are a few of our work in progress. We really have done a lot of work on the place. To begin with it was built in the 70's -need I say more? It had popcorn texture on the ceilings and faux Styrofoam beams in the front room. The texture on the walls was different in every room which was quite interesting,but even more interesting was the pallet of colors the previous owners had chosen. If you can tell each room is painted in a pastel color with a primary color version of that same color example: the room Brooke claimed as hers was pink with a very bright red accent wall. The saddest thing we discovered about the house was that the paint colors were chosen in this decade. So there you have it our kitchen should be in by the end of this month and when we are as close to done as possible I will post the after pics! Should be FUN!
Parents & Puzzles, Temples & Tolmans
1 year ago